DVD Compatibility

Watch Las Vegas Wedding Videos

DVD is a great medium to preserve & share your Las Vegas Wedding, but there are a few things every couple should consider when ordering their wedding video on DVD from us or any other Wedding DVD provider.

We strive to provide the best quality wedding experience & feel our couples should be well informed when ordering their DVD from us.
DVD's are taken from 3 cameras & employ Industry Standard Dolby AC3 compatible stereo sound.

Cupid's DVD discs are fully copyable on your home computer.
Your DVD disc does not employ Digital Rights Management which enables you to simply make copies.

No Tricks* Make as many copies for Family & Friends as you would like.

Our Promise To You*
You will have your DVD in hand at the end of your ceremony

$75 When ordered outside of a wedding package
Add $50 Each Additional Copy

Reserve Your Las Vegas Wedding !

Add Beautiful Rose Dropped Aisle Runner $49 **
Looking For Our Reservation | Gratuity | Deposit | Music Information? Click Here >>

See Some Of Cupid's Wonderful Guest's Testimonials >>

We Also Offer Wedding Ceremonies In The Following Languages:
Las ceremonias de matrimonio en espanol.
Ceremonies de mariage en francais.
Trauungen in deutscher Sprache.
Cerimonie di matrimonio in italiano.

Experience The Romance Of A Traditional Wedding @ Cupid's !

Experience all what your Wedding Day can be at Cupid's Beautiful Weddings & Receptions . Romance in Las Vegas can be everything you imagine & more !

Watch one of our favorite Unforgettable Weddings as it unfolds before your eyes.
This romantic wedding video let's you feel & experience all parts of your Las Vegas Wedding !

Walking down the aisle as your beloved takes in your every little step & the lighting of the Unity Candle as a symbol of the life & the walk you will now share united together as one couple .

Exchange of your wedding bands & finally first kiss as Husband & Wife  ; )
Don't miss all the romance of your first dance together as the new couple ***

Timeless Romance | Click ! To See A Beautiful Wedding In Las Vegas  >>

Share Your Cupid's Las Vegas Wedding With A Live Internet Video Broadcast

Let Family & Friends in on all of the fun of your wedding in glittering Las Vegas !
Cupid's provides all of our couples an exciting & fun way to share your special wedding day or renewal of vows with your loved ones around the world.

Cupid's Live Internet Streaming Video Broadcast + DVD
available for Windows & Mac OS X Operating Systems is the perfect answer !
We are currently providing this as a free amenity + Complimentary 3-Camera DVD added as a gift to all of our wedding reservations that already include a wedding video recording in their package.

Our Gift To You ! 3 Month Internet Wedding Video Archive Details * *

At the time of your reservation or wedding you will be asked if you would like to provide a Internet Video Archive to your family & friends who were unable to watch at the time of your Live Wedding Viewing.

Live Or Archived Is Always Completely Free To Your Viewing | Downloading Guests. Experience The Cupid's Difference *

Cupid's provides a 90 day Internet Video Archive
In All Our Wedding Packages That Include Video Archive *

Provide a convenient way for your Family & Friends To View
Your Beautiful & Unforgettable Las Vegas Wedding !  More Info >>>

Beautiful Las Vegas Wedding Receptions @ Cupid's

Cupid's provides you with the fun & perfect entertaining solution for your
Wedding Reception In Las Vegas .
Our contemporary & beautifully appointed reception facility provides you & your wedding guests with ample seating room for up to 75.
Cupid's onsite reception facility is equipped with a professional sound system, dance floor & 70's disco lights for non-stop fun for an event your family & friends will always talk about & remember !
Cupid's makes planning your Wedding Reception In Las Vegas as simple as you & yours just enjoying it !

Why Choose Us | Experience The Difference !

with so many different wedding chapels to hold your Las Vegas Wedding | Las Vegas Wedding Reception you most likely will ask why choose Cupid's ? The answer may be held for you in the personalized attention & in the fact that we sincerely believe that all of our couples deserve a Romantic Experience that will live in their most cherished & closely held memories for years to come .

Every one of our couples comes to rely on their own Personal Wedding Consultant who is always made available to you by a Tollfree 800 number & reachable 24 Hours A Day | 7 days per week.

If you have a question at 3 a.m. , call us & we are absolutely there for you .

Look at our site & compare. We believe your choice may be Cupid's

Terms & Conditions

50% or $100 minimum is required to book a wedding & is non-refundable. Credit Card Authorization is required.

Additional Deposits may be required for special flower orders, hair & make-up appointments, & receptions. All deposits are non-refundable.

If your plans should change your deposit is tansferable up to one year from the date of deposit.

If you cancel 72 hours prior to your wedding all monies &are non-refundable & non-transferable

Additional deposits for flowers, hair & make-up, receptions are non-refundable.

Final payment for your wedding is due 5 days prior to your wedding date, are non-refundable & will be charged to your credit card unless prior arrangements are made

Deposits for receptions are non-refundable. The final headcount & balance for receptions are due in full 10 business days prior to the reception.

Minister Fee Not Included $50

Customary Photographer Tip

Nevada Wedding License is required for all marriages.

NO Camera's or photography is allowed on premises

All flowers & other wedding accessories are to be provided exclusively by Cupid's

Any items brought into the chapel are subject to a minimum $25 surcharge

Any monies refunded will not be made in excess of the items or services purchased.

Contact your wedding coordinator for additional information

Love & Romance Quotes

Love has to spring spontaneously from within
And it is no way amenable to any form of inner or outer force.
Love and coercion can never go together
But though love cannot be forced on anyone,
It can be awakened in them through love itself.
Love is essentially self communicative;
Those who do not have it catch it from those who have it.
True love is unconquerable and irresistible,
And it goes on gathering power and spreading itself,
Until eventually it transforms everyone whom it touches. Ask the child why it is born,